Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Written just to write something after a long time, no agenda....

The valiance to validate, intriguingly impartially insightfully, your own life is an ultimatum. Not easily achievable though. Social order places checkpoints in roads you travel to validate and verify that you are not actually lost. Damn are those who want to be lost. Incidentally when constantly proving thyself is a necessity rather than a need you need all those right check points at the right times. Side lanes at times present better options than ordered roads. But for a small time though after which you only stagnate and stink. Heralding the news of new order, messiahs if you are new roads will be created and named after you. When being oneself is of the least concern why bother about leaving names. Damn are those who want to be lost. To rampantly retaliate at the remorse that one beholds is no way a solution. Ravenously reinventing self will always work wonders. However it is a mighty task and requires lot of anger and attitude. The anger to question the existence and the attitude to stay afloat without even trying to find the answer to those angry questions. Or further to deny even the existence of such angry questions. All you get is a mark of the guy with the attitude. Good for some, bad for most. Worst for one’s own self. Anger should persist and thwart attitude’s overt display. Life does provide ample reminders towards that. Check points you see. Life, like one’s nakedness, can’t be bared to everyone. Need to dress up for people and occasions. If at all you want be all bare and naked, runaway to the place you are not unacceptable. Get Lost. Damn are those who want to be lost.

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